Dana Solano

Lesson Plan: Time with Clocks (Math)


Fourth and Fifth Grade Special Education: Time Concepts

 Goal: The goal of this lesson is for the students develop their knowledge on the concept of telling time and how to read a clock, introducing five minute intervals.

Objective: Students will be able to:

1)      Develop their knowledge of telling time 

2)      Use an interactive clock on the SMARTboard to show different representations of time

3)      Complete simple math problems that allow the students to show time on a clock and analog time.

Intended Audience:  This lesson is intended for a fourth and fifth grade self-contained classroom. 

Prerequisite Knowledge: 

Students should already be aware of:

  • The dimensions of a clock
  • Basic knowledge about the hour hand, minute hand, and seconds hand
  • Counting by 5’s: 5,10,15,20,25,30,25,40,45,50,55,60
  • How to use a SMARTboard appropriately
  • How to play BINGO or Tic-Tac-Toe


  • The book Counting Time From Seconds to Centuries by Joan Sweeney
  • SMARTboard
  • Judy clocks (enough for groups or each student)
  • The workbook Telling Time with Judy Clock by Cindy Barden (see attached)
  • BINGO or Tic-Tac-Toe game board
  • Review packet (see attached)


  1.  Introduction/Start-up:  As a whole group, read the book Counting Time From Seconds to Centuries by Joan Sweeney, specifically pages…  While reading, ask questions about the story, like about how long it takes to blink, and what else could take a minute/second/hour/day.
  2. After reading, show the children the interactive clock on the SMARTboard and review the meaning of the hour hand, minute hand, and second hand.  On the SMARTboard, draw the long hand and explain it represents the hour hand, draw the short hand and explain it represents the minute hand, and draw the thin hand and explain it represents the second hand.
  3. Have some of the students repeat the meaning of the hour hand, minute hand, and second hand.  Discuss how many minutes are in an hour, how many seconds are in a minute, and how many hours are in a day.
  4. Review the hours on the clock (1-12) and the minutes by having the students skip-count by fives as a whole group.
  5. Give each student a BINGO or Tic-Tac-Toe game board.  Explain that in each square represents a different time and the teacher is going to show a time on the clock.  If the the on the clock matches a time on their game board, they will mark an “x” in square until someone had filled the row or calls out “BINGO.”
  6. Conclusion/Ending:  Each student will be given a packet with different activities to complete involving time.  The students will return to their desks and complete the packets independently.  The higher level students will have a packet with questions they will answer about specific clock diagrams, they will be asked to draw the time given to them, and write the time the clock shows on the paper.  The lower level learners will work in a small group with the teacher or aide to go over a packet about time.  Each page has a clock on it, the first page the students trace the time on the clock, then they fill in the missing numbers on the clock, and write down the time the hour hand and minute hand displays.  Then, the students will be given a booklet that tells story involving time.  Each page has an even that helps at a specific time throughout the day with a picture of a clock. The students will discuss what time they think the activity occurs and what time the clock says. 

Adaptations: The adaptations for this lesson include differentiation for the students with varying abilities.  The lesson starts off as a whole group and then while the higher level learners are completing work independently, the lower level learners will work with the teacher to complete a packet reviewing what they learned about time from the whole group lesson and practicing telling time on a clock.

Assignments:  The assignment begins with a hands-on activity by allowing the students to use the interactive clock on the SMARTboard and then students will complete the packet of worksheets given to them independently after the whole group lesson.

Assessment:  The students will demonstrate their understanding of this lesson by completing the worksheets accurately and if they are able to tell the time displayed on the clock accurately.

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